Lucy Pummell via nettime-l on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 19:16:48 +0100 (CET)
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<nettime> The never-ending fight for inequality
- To:
- Subject: <nettime> The never-ending fight for inequality
- From: Lucy Pummell via nettime-l <>
- Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2025 18:16:27 +0000
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- Cc: Lucy Pummell <>
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Dear all,
Please enjoy the latest Institute of Art and Ideas article: *Plato,
Hobbes, Mill, and the never-ending fight for inequality*
The article is written by David Williams, a professor and pre-law
advisor at the University of Texas Austin, specialising in the history
of political thought.
/The growing gap between the rich and the poor is a problem that seems
increasingly urgent with each passing day. From the shocking statistics
about wealth concentration in the United States and Britain to the
widespread struggle for basic needs like food, the signs of economic
inequality are impossible to ignore. Yet, what many overlook is that
inequality is not a new phenomenon—it's been a persistent feature of
human societies for millennia. From ancient philosophers like Plato to
modern thinkers such as John Stuart Mill, a long line of intellectuals
have not only chronicled the rise of inequality but also warned of its
devastating consequences. Professor David Lay Williams argues the
answers to inequality may have surprising insights from the past./
All the very best,
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