Brian Holmes via nettime-l on Thu, 25 Jul 2024 23:57:57 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> EU wealth tax petition

On Mon, Jul 22, 2024 at 3:59 AM franz schaefer via nettime-l <> wrote:

> i signed it already.  but one thing that bothers me a bit is that all the
> left wing initiatives still focus so much on the "redistribution" while
> makeing very little afford to educate people about the madness of the
> capitalist production.
> as a rough guestimate: about 50% of jobs today are bullshit jobs. wasted
> work in the burocracy of corporate structures but even more: creating
> artifical scarcity and jobs that (just alone by their ecologic
> footprint) create more harm then good. products with planed obsolescence.
> advertising which has just one product: to trick us into buying things we
> did not know we even need, etc...etc..

Hear hear! At least half of what capitalism now distributes is not goods,
but harms.
The point of taxing the rich is to get rid of the billionaire class, not to
become part of it...

best, Brian
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