Mayo Fuster Morell on Thu, 23 Aug 2018 19:52:46 +0200 (CEST) |
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<nettime> Sharing Cities Summit 2018 Barcelona 12th-15th November 2018 |
Join the Sharing Cities Summit
2018 Barcelona from 12th to 15th November 2018
The Sharing Cities Summit 2018 will take place in Barcelona next 12th-15th November 2018. After the previous Summit editions in Amsterdam 2016 and New York 2017, this Summit edition will expand its scope and consist on a city government encounter, and also an event to gather all actors of the Sharing economy ecosystem, for co-creating the Sharing City framework and aligning the platform economy with the general common interest. Join us and let’s shape together the future of the sharing ecosystem! This year’s edition will be divided into different venues and moments. On the one hand, an encounter between Mayors and Vice Mayors from city governments from leading cities from around the world will take place on November 12th. The cities of Amsterdam, New York, Paris, Milan, Montreal, Toronto, Montevideo, Kobe, Vienna, Barcelona, Singapore, Seoul, Austin, Torino, Portland, Madrid and Valencia, among others, have confirmed or shown their intention to attend this edition. The encounter will focus on boosting concrete commons outcomes and collaboration measures in areas including: co-creating common principles for The Sharing City; collaborations between cities on the regulation and negotiation with large platforms that generate disruptive impacts in the city; promotion and occupation policies on platform models inclusive and beneficial for the general common interest; and, knowledge’s policies and a sharing open data platform between cities. In addition, the event will deal with innovative measures to differentiate digital platforms which are not built on truly collaborative models. On the other hand, a program addressed to all actors of the Sharing Ecosystem (city governments, companies, foundations, networks, and research centers) will take place on November 12th afternoon on a public meet up, and on November 13th-15th as part of the Smart City World Congress Expo. Smart City Expo World Congress is the world leading encounter on cities technologies, gathering more than 700 cities and 18.000 participants. Participating at the Summit will be a great occasion to spread your organization’s mission, to network with other actors, and to build together a Sharing economy ecosystem! Would you like to join these activities, working groups and networking? Then join the ecosystem, and choose the way you want to participate to shape the Sharing Economy: just fill in this application and participate. The call will be open until 10th September. Some of the options to participate are: * Contribute to a Sharing Cities Declaration. * Exhibition space of your project at an Open Meet up for a Commons oriented Sharing Economy, on 12th November afternoon at the DHub Museum. * Shared exhibition area of your project at the Smart City Expo World Congress 2018, from 13th to 15th of November. * Shared stand to share information (ie, brochures) at the Smart City Expo World Congress 2018. * Inclusion at the Sharing Economy brochure and promotion through the official communication channels (programme, website, press, etc.) * Attend the Smart City Expo World Congress 2018 from 13th to 15th of November, with an special topic on Inclusive and Sharing cities. * Proposing an activity at the programe of the Agora space (debates, presentations and networking) at the exhibition stand of Smart City Expo World Congress 2018. * Foster relationships between platform, cities, civic society and research centers. You will find Summit updates on as well as more information about the official programme. You can also follow our latest news on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. The organization of the Summit is the result of a joint effort between several actors, promoted by the City Council of Barcelona and the Dimmons action-research group of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), with the collaboration of BarCola (a node of local actors promoter of Procomuns), Ouishare, Smart City Expo World Congress, Shareable and Sharing Cities Alliance. If you have any doubt, email us to and we will contact you asap. Let’s shape the Sharing Cities and build together a platform economy allied with the general commons interest! Sharing Cities Team ![]() -- «·´`·.(*·.¸(`·.¸ ¸.·´)¸.·*).·´`·» «·´¨*·¸¸« Mayo Fuster Morell ».¸.·*¨`·» @Lilaroja «·´`·.(¸.·´(¸.·* *·.¸)`·.¸).·´`·» Faculty Affiliated. Berkman Center for Internet and Society. Harvard University. Director research on digital commons. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute. Open University of Catalonia. Researcher. Institute of Government and Public Policies. Autonomous University of Barcelona. Ph.D European University Institute Website: Phone: 0034-648877748 The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination,
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