Mladen Zagorac on Sat, 16 Jun 2001 21:25:15 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Slovenia transformed into poilce state!!!!

>Drage prijateljice, dragi prijatelji,
>prosim, sirite spodnje pismo!
>Dear Friends,
>please spread the message in the sequel!
>To Dr. Janez Drnovsek
>Prime Minister
>Government of the Republic of Slovenia
>your government has transformed Slovenia into police state on the occasion 
>of the Bush-Putin meetin
>g in Ljubljana:
>- you denied to Amnesty International the permission to put up an 
>information stand;
>- you refused to the ecological NGO Umanoterra the permission to hold a 
>protest manifestation;
>- your police is harrassing activists distributing protest leaflets to 
>- persons have been summoned to "informational examination";
>- your police has been scanning registration plates of the vehicles at 
>Metelkova, the alternative c
>ultural center in Ljubljana;
>- your services are monitoring the electronic mail of several NGOs and 
>- your services are monitoring telephones of several individuals;
>- your border police has refused the entry into the country to several 
>foreign citizens.
>You are certainly aware that the duty of a democratic government is to 
>secure freedoms and libertie
>s to their citizens, and human rights to everybody. I appeal to you to 
>honour this committment on J
>une 16, the day of the meeting, as well as on every day of your mandate.
>Rastko Mocnik
>Spread this message! If you want to sign, please send the signature of 
>your solidarity to:
>ob srecanju Bush-Putin je vasa vlada Slovenijo spremenila v policijsko 
>- Amnesty International niste izdali dovoljenja, da bi postavili 
>informacijsko stojnico;
>- nevladni organizaciji Umanoterra niste izdali dovoljenja za protestno 
>- policija nadleguje aktiviste, ki delijo protestne letake mimoidocim;
>- posameznike so pozvali k "informacijskim pogovorom";
>- policija popisuje registrske tablice vozil na Metelkovi v Ljubljani;
>- vase sluzbe nadzorujejo elektronsko posto nekaterim nevladnim 
>organizacijam in posameznikom;
>- vase sluzbe nadzorujejo telefonske pogovore nekaterim posameznikom;
>- obmejna policija je na meji zavrnila vec tujih drzavljanov.
>Prav gotovo veste, da je dolznost demokraticne vlade, da zagotavlja 
>svobodo in svoboscine svojim dr
>zavljankam in drzavljanom, vsakomur pa clovekove pravice. Pozivam vas, da 
>spostujete to castno obve
>zo na dan srecanja 16. junija kakor tudi vse preostale dni svojega mandata.
>S spostovanjem,
>Rastko Mocnik
>Prosimo, da razsirjate to sporocilo. Ce se zelite z njim solidarizirati, 
>posljite svoj podpis na na

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