David Garcia via nettime-l on Mon, 17 Feb 2025 17:25:12 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Europe and the MAGA mind virus

Europe is reeling from the unsurprising message of JD Vance’s speech in Munich last week that (news flash) Trump meant it all along. And we must take him "literally not just seriously". It really is and has always been America 1st. NATO's article 5 and protecting Europe are no longer on the menu.

The old ideological basis of fighting communism has long gone and the Trumpian regime has moved swiftly to dispense with established commitments and alliances. Some have seen it as a return to the great power carve up of Yalta, but that makes little sense when there can be no trust. As any new treaty will have to rely on an erratic protagonist happy to throw previous long-standing allies under any available bus.

So from the perspective of what serves the interests of the MAGA mind virus, is there any downside to this “shock and awe” program? Right now, it must look like it’s all upside. In that Europe (who has only itself to blame) has been shaken out of its delusional slumber. And is struggling to adapt to the realisation that the old order’s bi-polar logic no longer applies. As we are fracturing into multiple competing states the old left vs right dichotomy appears to have been superseded by autocratic technocracy vs autocratic populism, with the latter currently in the driving seat.

So once again is there a downside from a Trumpian perspective to this campaign and if so what does it look like? Maybe we should start with its potential impact on hi-tech global manufacturing’s continued dependence on complex supply chains? Where will the great unravelling of this hubristic maelstrom appear?

David Garcia


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