David Garcia via nettime-l on Wed, 5 Feb 2025 12:19:56 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> View from this side of the pond

I keep hearing thumb-sucking line from business people and MPs that Trump is "transactional" as if that is the key that unlocks a strategy for dealing with him in a way that feels familiar. But extortion isn't a transaction. 'Submit or suffer' as opening bid in pursuit of a 'deal' is effectively the end of the old diplomatic alliances and strategic relationships. There is a lot of denial of this in Westminster, I fear. [Rafael Behr posting on BlueSky]

"Where once there were treaties, now there is a mafia-style protection racket. Pay tribute to the boss in the Oval Office, or take a punishment beating in tariffs." [Rafael Behr writing in Guardian]
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