Geert Lovink via nettime-l on Sat, 8 Jun 2024 08:58:28 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> news about nathalie magnan's archive

From: <>
In her own words, Nathalie Magnan (1956-2016) was an activist and cultural critic, media tactician (old and new), webmistress, filmmaker, cyberfeminist, president of the Paris Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, teacher, author, journalist and more. A generous teacher, she loved to transmit art as a practice of freedom to young artists.
Nathalie Magnan's archives were entrusted to the Archives de la Critique d'Art (ACA) in Rennes in 2020 and thus became part of the INHA-ACA collection. Since then, the collection has been processed, classified, preserved, reported and promoted with the help of motivated volunteer interns and the ACA team, in conjunction with scientific and editorial projects and student work on the collection. 
These archives are now accessible on site in Rennes and via the following links:
- ACA website, Home page, scroll down to find the section under her name: 
- “Corpus archives” page (with presentation): 
Yours sincerely,
Reine Prat
President of the association De la mule au web 
NB: De la mule au web is working with several partners to promote the Nathalie Magnan archives.
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