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Re: <nettime> Biocultural Corridors

Hi Brian et al,

I hope you won't mind me sharing this here ...

"Live Like A River" is Brian's "case study" presentation about the Casa
Rio Lab project at the the opening of DAY 2 of HKW's conference 

( investigating the Graeber + Wengrow's The Dawn Of Everything, the
anthropological perspectives on our unfolding crises )



I found it to be one of the more inspiring, tactical and pragmatic
presentations of two back-to-back weekend conferences.

The first of the two conferences was "Unearthing The Present"

( the geological perspectives, and very western-industrial
science-nerdy, focused on measurements and studying "cores" )


Won't have time to write up any deep thinking on all that 2day...

but, in a brief recap:

it was really tragic that there was not more overlapping dialogue +
DEBATE between the scientists and the anthropologists...  ( and Other
... namely the global south ! )

( I think Brian was the only presenter at both, which demonstrated well
the possible bridges )

The ( usual academic ) problem with this compartmentalization of these
themes, is that it made it difficult to illuminate more effective
collaborative strategies that perhaps require these fields to interact
with each other.

i..e ... through the anthropological lens it becomes apparent that we
are locked deep in a techo-colonialism and the hyper-industrializing
industries + nation-states, which needs a good cracking open ... and
re-imagining.... and even a liberation of the sciences from their
current corporate-krapitalist origins + idiocracies !

i.e ... the geological frame mostly obfuscates the real roots of our
endangered habitat, the environmental devastation and the challenges
ahead. Anthropocene is really off-base analysis. It is not WE HUMANS who
are to blame, it is corporate agendas and their structures, lies,
atrocities, exploitations and abuse, which has most of the global
population trapped and/or hijacked by its operating systems which are
designed to benefit the FEW, at the expense of the many ( and many
species ).

ie ... imagine what an ecological and technological commons would look
like, if we dismantled the current TECHNO-FASCISM !

i.e... Another world is not only possible, it is an absolute necessity
if we wish to avoid the very worst of the environmental and social
collapse ! In fact, maybe even "collapse" is not the appropriate word if
one inserts a vision for INTENTIONAL down-scaling and de-globalization.

i.e... Perhaps hard extractive Science is not the King-maker,  rather
social relations and the social and biological "organism" !


some rough notes...

all the best,


p.s. sorry for my first misfired post ( minus content ), if that manages
to appear at all.

On 21/08/22 12:00, nettime-l-request@mail.kein.org wrote:
> Re: Biocultural Corridors (Jean-No?l Montagn?)

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