lagadu on Fri, 29 Jun 2001 21:28:25 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> Uh-0h....

nettime's_roving_reporter wrote:

>      [via Bruce Sterling <>]
> Monsanto, which created on of the GM canola strains,
> says that if farmers' call the company, they'll send out a
> team to manually pull up the weeds. But Martin Phillipson,
> a University of Saskatchewan law professor, said that
> Monsanto may be liable for damages if their GM canola
> continues to spread.

This sounds most important to me. There is something we might not have
thought to be a direct and beneficial consequence of GMOs : in a near
futur, they will need one human behind each plant, to prevent her from
reproducing and spoiling the neighbours crops, or from infringing the
biotech moguls'patents. An unexpected solution to unemployment which could
lead us to turn to pro-GMOs !!! Uh-oh !


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