w/o Return of Premium |
w/ Return of Premium |
Annual Premium: |
$2,200.00 |
$3,056.00 |
10 Years Later Premium Paid: |
$22,000.00 |
- $24,448.00 Refund (*1)
$6,112.00 Net Paid Prem |
Avg. Cost Per Year (after 10 Years): |
$2,200.00 |
$611.20 |
Internal Rate of Return
(28% Tax Bracket): |
0% |
Approx. 31.03% |
The "Guaranteed" Internal Rate of Return on the ROP premium,
deposited each year for 10 years to accumulate a $24,448.00 refund,
is approximately 31.03%.
Call Today! ;)
Please fill out the form below for more information |
Name: |
E-mail: |
Phone: |
City: |
State: |
;) |
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Not Approved in all States.
(*1) Return of Premium Rider refunds 80% of total premiums paid.
($24,448.00; less claims) after 10 years - Guaranteed! You can choose
not to take the 80% refund after 10 years, which will pay the full
premiums due for the following 10 years (10 pay policy) and still
receive an 80% refund after the 2nd 10 Year Period.
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